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Monday, May 20, 2013

[The Everyday Gardener]

I often share stories about the joys the garden brings to me throughout the seasons of many years. Our garden was and still is created in a storybook fashion -- as  each plant, tree and bush has a story to why they are in our garden.  You see, I have always loved to garden… I started gardening as a young girl, nothing fancy. I really loved learning about the mysterious nature of the garden and how to appreciate the beauty of the flowers and trees.... like one would learn to appreciate the various periods of art....

I have found that there are three types of gardeners….

The Master Gardener -Is generally a specialist.  Who has studied horticulture. Who has strived to be a learned expert in keeping well-manicured gardens.

The Weekend Gardener -Is generally a person who enjoys dabbling in the garden, but does not have time to do so during the week, so they design a garden that is self maintained and they can work and enjoy during the weekend hours.

The Everyday Gardener – Are gardeners like myself, who enjoys dabbling in the garden throughout the week and seasons. The everyday gardener is also a type of person who enjoys learning first hand about the journey of the trials and joys of garden life.

Yes, I have found that gardening is a committed journey…. as the seasons and weather are never predictable, just as one’s life is always changing and growing, we must be willing to be dedicated to nurturing the garden as it does fill one’s heart and soul… Life is like a garden, filled with many seasons that grows the character of one's spirit...