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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Cut Back in order to Grow

In order to make way for a new season of growth, a gardener will prune regularly. 

Eighteen years ago, I brought a tiny vine clipping from Northern California to my garden. I planted the vine next to a trellis to see if it would take hold. For eighteen years, I've watched the vine climb and spread -- but no grapes. I'd prune and it would extend further and further every year until it completely encompassed the trellis. This year, after all of that waiting, pruning and growth, we finally got grapes! Bunches and bunches of grapes! It is perhaps one of the most exciting moments of persistence and growth I have experienced.

In life, we too must clear away, declutter, give away, and simplify in order to make room for new growth. The act of pruning always benefits us.

If you want change, welcome it. Make room for change in your life.