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Monday, June 4, 2018

Encouraging Handmade this Summer

In our technology-focused world, I find I am mesmerized by the art of craft. I am in awe of the maker -- those who have been able to shift their focus away from technology as primary. Making things is nothing new. But finding the desire to do so is something we humans are sadly losing touch with.  

This summer I'd like to encourage you to make technology secondary, if not for a whole day, then just for a few hours. During these longer hours, put your screens in another room and challenge yourself to work with your hands.  

Why? Because so much of our creativity and creative thinking comes from working with our hands.  

Draw, cook, write, paint, sew. Take some things out of your "art bag." Fall into a zone. Give your brain the opportunity for a new focus. No machine can take away the curiosity and ingenuity of the human. Working through our senses creatively is something we do best.  

And, as you are humming along, you will find that you have entered another zone. Maybe you even lose track of time. (The ultimate!) When you go back to your screen, it will feel like you've hit your own refresh button.