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Friday, December 14, 2012

[ The Hostess Gift … the simple gesture of “Thank You”]

A tradition I have carried forth through the years… is the gracious thank you with a hostess gift. I think it is really special when someone opens their home to you as a guest, to share their personal side of themselves with you.
I have noticed throughout the years, with the increase of
technology occupying every aspect of our lives with promises
 of "instant" connections and interactions ... I find that less and
less do I hear the simple words of " thank you". The words
"thank you" are two of the easiest words to say, which are…
I know, so uplifting to one's soul when one hears these
words. As many of us are moving quickly through the
day we may forget to slow down and to remember…
to express a little “thank you” to a family member,
friend or colleague....

A "Hostess Gift " represents a simple gesture of
thanks. It does not have to be costly or elaborate… 
it is a genuine gesture from the heart.Such as a 
handwritten note accompanied with a keepsake gift, like a candle, flowers/plant, handmade craft or a delicate food treat. A gift of “kindness and thanks” –an appreciation for sharing the special time together in one’s treasured home or for a special gathering. To say "thank you" for sharing a personal time and space...for a gifted moment....