Today I write about love. I often think about the widely asked question, “What is love? Is it the feeling we get from sharing an experience with someone special, a family member of friend? Or is it something greater from within one’s soul that gives a sense of peace and confidence of hope? Or is it a comfort of joy wrapped around us like a warm blanket?
For many who live in a neutral
So as I continued to walk through the winter garden, I reminded myself that my heart’s desire was to create a garden that would be filled with gifted moments of nature to reflect God’s love for us. Like the different seasons in the garden, the seasons of our lives are gifted bouquets of tears, much laughter and great joy. I now realize more and more that through God’s Love for us, He created these flowers, bushes, trees and birds to surround us all the time, for our enjoyment.
And as I have and will continue to spend many hours walking through the garden and through the many different seasons of life, I am always in awe of God’s endless and forever love—and I realize that this Love is for us, to help guide us through our journey of life. And although our growth in our faith may be slow in understanding this Amazing Love, I am continually reminded that God's love is abundantly there for us always. I am reminded that this sacred Love will grow and flourish as we allow the garden of our hearts to be pruned of the old ways as we make room for regeneration of life throughout all seasons. As I finish my walk for today, I come to a peaceful conclusion to this on-going question of “ What is love? ” As I rest on my thoughts, I am thankful for the understanding that “love” is simply the greatest gift from God.
God’s Love Endures Forever…
God’s Love Endures Forever…