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Friday, April 19, 2013

[Spring Cleaning - The Closet]

With spring beginning to bloom, one thing I like to do at the beginning of the seasons is to refresh my wardrobe  by organizing my closet .

The first thing that comes to mind in starting one’s day is really about  “what I am going to wear?” - or the most famous statement from many of us is ,“I have nothing to wear.” 

No matter what size your closet or the various fashion styles from simplistic contemporary, traditional, to professional work wear that you may house in your wardrobe, for some reason we as women of today “never have anything to wear".

I find one reason we run into this daily dilemma is because of the consistent challenge of time… we do not allow ourselves the time to think and prepare for the day; overwhelmed by the pressures of family, work, school, more, and more responsibilities … yet less & less time…

One of the greatest tips I love to share is keeping an organized closet, which truly is the greatest way to give oneself more time and be at ease in our day....

Organize your clothes in Sections:
I find it is best to organize your closet by sections:

Color is Key:
Each section should be organized by color, so when you are putting an outfit together it is easier to “create the look”.  I also advise that you do the same with your accessories such as hats, handbags, purses and scarves.

This practical guide to closet organization serves two purposes:
1. Time management~ an organized closet makes outfit selection easier and more time efficient…
2. Money Saving ~ when we are able to truly see what we have in our closets, through organization, we do realize that we do “have something to wear.­”
3. Creativity ~ I find that an organize closet gives one the tools to be more creative in putting together an outfit. It’s like having a full palette of paints to create a masterpiece… 

PS.  Ssusan’s Style Etiquette
I advise refreshing one’s closet each season.  And yes, I still believe the tradition of white outfits are introduced to your wardrobe Memorial Day and put to rest at Labor Day.