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Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day 

Please take a moment to celebrate 
the liberty and freedoms
of our great nation.

Let's give thanks to our military and public safety heroes
for their honor and courage in defending our democracy. 
And, let's take a moment to thank their families.

Warmest wishes to all,


Friday, May 11, 2018

'We First' creates a better community

Last month was spent traveling overseas. In amongst all of the sights, I was surprised by the number of billboards and advertisements for "ME." Every ad seems to be taken at selfie length these days. And then, everyone around me was taking a selfie -- with, of course, a notable landmark.
"Look at me now," we all seem to be saying,  rather than, "Look at this!"
On this trip, I was struck by just how much we are resembling each other, culturally. Selfies seem to be all that matter-- across the globe. But are we collectively celebrating individuality?

Instead of saying 'me first' let's all try 'we first.' WE is the mirror image of ME. Think about what you are seeing and sharing.  Is it the best reflection of who you are? Remember we are put on this earth to collectively love one another. "WE FIRST." 

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Merry Month of May

To all of my women friends and colleagues,  

Have a merry month of May!

Mothers, sisters and daughters -- you are gifted treasures

Celebrate this gifted season of womanhood. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Joy is contagious!

I was reading a story about two moms and their children hiking through an old garden. As they climbed through the overgrown paths in the early morning mist, they tried to keep their eager children close. A child’s voice yelled as they came towards the end of the path, "Look! There's a stream. And look at that tree!” As the children rushed ahead to get a closer look, the early morning sunlight was breaking through the thick branches of the tree, making it appear even more grand. Its deeply etched roots and thick storied bark let them all know that this was not an ordinary tree. This tree had lived through many seasons of life yet still stood strong.  With pure joy, some of the children rested under its majestic limbs while others started climbing to seek new horizons.  It was indeed a 'treasure tree.' 

We often forget during our busy days to look up and see the simple pleasures and joyous discoveries around us.  On a recent late afternoon walk, I ran into my friend Paul.  We had not seen each other in a while so we began to share about our lives and our families.  During our conversation, I told Paul that I was working on a piece about the simplicity of joy, and about finding joy in all things. “How easy it is for us to forget or get lost in all the noise and distractions around us!” said Paul.  “We should just stop for a moment and observe the many joyous gifts around us. I mean, just look at this sunset!” We paused and took in the unique colors of the sunset, its wispy blues and rusty yellows, and contemplated the fact that each night is a different painting made expressly for our joy.

So often we take these gifts for granted. Slow down and allow the childlike discoveries of our surroundings to fill our hearts with joy. The more we allow joy to be part of our daily lives, the more joy is contagious. Pass on the gift of joy to others!