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Friday, November 30, 2012

[ The Holiday Scents ]

The Holiday Season, like many others, is an exciting time of year for me. It is a time to reflect and slow down, to enjoy the special moments with family and friends. As many of us have full schedules today, it is sometimes hard to find the time to slow down to truly enjoy the moments of the Holiday Season. This is why I have created some simple holiday treats and recipes that are inexpensive and easy to create, so we may allow more time to enjoy the gifted moments with family and friends…

As I start preparing to decorate my home for the holidays, I love to create an atmosphere of seasonal ascetics such as playing holiday music, cooking comfort foods like homemade soups, breads and pies and dressing my home with all the holiday decorations. 

One of the first things I do to create my holiday atmosphere is to start with creating the essence of “seasonal” scents…I learned this secret years ago and have really enjoyed using it since… 

• 1 Saucepan
• Water
• Cinnamon: ground or sticks; 3 Table Spoons of Ground Cinnamon or if you may add a few Cinnamon Sticks
• Nutmeg: Ground-1 Table Spoon
• Cloves: Small hand-full
Options: For more of a citrus scent you may want to add orange or lemon peels to the mixture. 

Fill the saucepan 2/3 with water. Add the ingredients and put on low heat to simmer… (You do not want the water to boil, just simmer.) After a little period of time, your home will be filled with the scents of the holiday…

When I am having a small gathering or some family over for a visit, sometimes before they arrive, I make a batch of my Holiday Scents and place the pan on a warming plate at the entrance of my home. The enhanced fragrances welcome our guests with warmth and comforting scents of the Holiday Season and cheer....

Have fun in creating your own “Holiday Scents” using different treasures from the garden or different seasonings… 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

[ Season of Change ]

I often find myself migrating back to the Garden as a place of refuge, to think and find some peace, to refill one’s soul.

The garden has always been a sanctuary for me especially during the time of seasonal changes.  Today I find myself wrapped in the warmth of sun on a clear early morning harvest Saturday. Reflecting upon the silence, peace and slowing of the garden’s growth…This is a time to remind oneself that we too have seasons in our lives…seasons from birth to rebirth; to rest and sleep.

As I find myself the Harvest Season slowing down to rest from a year of fast moving days.I take in the time to enjoy - the last blush of blooming roses, the slowing growth of the trees… while anticipating to surprise of the splashes of color given to us by our winter roses and camellias in just a few short weeks.

The garden gives me peace as throughout the years I am continually reminded that there is a season for all of us. Just like the garden naturally and freely prepares itself for shorter days and cooler nights; we too must let go and rest in these gifted moments of peace.

Though it’s hard sometimes to say sweet dreams to the roses and trees for the winter months …I too will give myself permission to rest for now. I know in just a few short months, I will dance in joy as I once again discover the new growth of Spring… which often gives me a sense of new beginnings and peaceful hope for another year.

The Last Bloom and Waiting for Winter Colors

Friday, November 9, 2012

[The Creative Garden]

Lately I have found that I really want to write stories…thoughts about the garden.

The garden … as it has come so alive to me- again and again over the years… With the reminder of watching God’s creations through the mystical discoveries of the garden…and As we discover the essence of His work in each plant, flower and tree… We are reminded as they change during the season… So do we….

Like this beautiful treasure of the violet blue velvet rose…a new gift to our garden.  She comes from a rich history…and yet did not over power the garden, which gives me the same power I feel when I am creating art...

Lady Velvet~
A Victorian Style Treasure that join our garden this summer
with her friends Courage and Daddy’s Girl.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

[ Every Day is Good… Some Days Are “Gooder” ]

Tonight I have started to write as I have so much on my heart and mind. Like many I find myself making excuses not to write, not to follow my heart - I think about what am I running from … where God is guiding me… what is next...

Like others, I know we are all yearning for the essence of a "community" where we are able to share and create as we walk through the layers of technology every day. How do I create a creative community atmosphere to share with others on a wider realm, while maintaining a meaningful and caring place for people to come to, to find peace, joy and comfort. How do I continue to encourage people to create live the motto … every day is good…and some days are “gooder”.  

I guess the best way to answer these thoughts… is to let go of the fear, have faith and follow one's creative heart....and write...

We must learn it is okay for us as "ladies" in the 21st Century to give ourselves permission to "be" who we are....the creative self that we are...